16 de abr de 2021

Premiering soon: "Sol de Medianoche"

It goes without saying that the current pandemic has frustrated any plan to premiere La Tribuna. There were such plans, and they were very specific ...

We will resume our efforts, and we hope to announce our next steps soon!

In the meantime, for those who are interested: From today you can collect tickets (for free) for the premiere of the latest work by Gabriel Bussi: Sol de Medianoche (Midnight Sun), a cycle of 12 songs on poems by Luz Pozo Garza, a renowned Galician poet who passed away last year.

The concert will be on Sunday, May 9, at the PALEXCO Exhibition Hall in La Coruña, hosted by the RESIS Festival, in collaboration with the Orquestas Sinfónica de Galicia, which commissioned the work and provides the musicians.

The mezzo-soprano Joana Thomé da Silva will be interpreting the songs, accompanied by the Schubert String Quintet, who will premiere this work in its chamber version.

The actress Chus Álvarez will recite some excerpts from the text between the songs, to put more emphasis on the words of this great author.

For more information about the concert and the festival, click here.